
Showing posts from October, 2023

Role of technology in the modern classroom and its impact on student learning.

Students of BE.d English Geography attending ICT class. The introduction of advanced technology is one of the greatest wonders of humankind that has revolutionized education in our society. Technology has fundamentally changed the way the students and teachers approach education. The modern classroom is no longer confined to physical walls, instead technology has opened up a world of possibilities, shaping the learning experiences of students. From personalized learning to ever-evolving digital landscape, technology’s influence is both far-reaching and transformative. With the enhancement of technology, Learning has become much more effective, fun and fruitful at the same time. The implementation of modern technology has drastically enhanced student learning as it has redefined the role of educators and provided access to educational resources. On the other hand, it has also exposed the negative impacts such as unequal access to resources. The role of technology in the modern c

Reflection upon EFD module

  EFD module class Studying the Development of Bhutanese Education taught me important lessons about the importance of holistic education and the integration of traditional values and modern education. One of the most important lessons I learned was the importance of supporting the health and well-being of students. Bhutan’s approach recognizes that education is not only about academic achievement but also about personal development and well-being. This combination equips students with not only the knowledge and skills, but also the values and attitudes they need to lead successful lives. Another important lesson I learned was the value of incorporating traditional values into the learning process. Bhutanese education recognizes the country’s rich heritage and strives to preserve and promote it through education. By incorporating traditional values, customs and practices into the curriculum, students not only gain a deeper understanding of their culture, but also develop pride and resp

My reflection upon ACS module

  Attending ACS module class It is great excitement for me to join in samtse college of education and awakening my excitement to open up a whole journey into full of possibilities and new learning to spark my creativity, spirituality and new socialization. I entered the college gate with great positive affirmations after the long and arduous journey. However, things seemed weird and ordinary for me with humid climate and hotness of samtse. After few days of my stay at Samtse College reignited my curiosity to experience different environment and also provoke my interest to explore more. I learned many new knowledge from different module tutors and especially English module. The module session in college is very different from the confined learning in schools. But is suffocating to stay in class and concentration distracts quite many times. During the last session I learned the utmost importance of Academic English and its characteristics. And also differences between the reading and wri

Value of time.

 Time "Value your precious time at the moment as we don't have rewind button in life". What is Time? Time is a priceless and valuable gift from nature. However, we do not perceive the presence or worth of time until we become conscious and self-aware of it. I believe that time controls everything in the cosmos. From conception to death, at any stage and under all conditions. Time is an essential component of human life. The individual who recognizes the value of time works tirelessly to attain their objectives. Those who do not see the worth of time, on the other hand, pass on a chance. Certainly, it is a period when how we use and value our time will make a significant impact in our lives. Reflecting on my personal connection with time, I recognize it is not something to be overcome. Instead, it is something to be welcomed and respected. Time is a teacher, continuously reminding me of the necessity of prioritizing what is truly important in life. It teaches me to cherish

My Education Journey

Education My schooling journey began in Tokshingmang primary school, when I was six year old. This was a significant moment in my life as it laid the foundation of my education. I wholeheartedly thank my parents for their unconditional love and compassion. Working really hard under hot scorching sun and socking rain of summer and sacrifices that they have made to support my education.  Later I went to Dungtse Central School, where I had an opportunity to explore new subjects and develop my skills further. Moreover I have develop my interest in games and sport and I particularly enjoyed participating in sporting activities and other co-curricular activities. Those period has been filled with new experiences, friendships and challenges that helped to shaped my character. Finally I moved to Jigme Sherubling Central School at Khaling. A renowned school in the nation. Where I further honed my skills and knowledge in preparing for my future endeavors. Overall my schooling days were time of g