My Education Journey


My schooling journey began in Tokshingmang primary school, when I was six year old. This was a significant moment in my life as it laid the foundation of my education. I wholeheartedly thank my parents for their unconditional love and compassion. Working really hard under hot scorching sun and socking rain of summer and sacrifices that they have made to support my education. 

Later I went to Dungtse Central School, where I had an opportunity to explore new subjects and develop my skills further. Moreover I have develop my interest in games and sport and I particularly enjoyed participating in sporting activities and other co-curricular activities. Those period has been filled with new experiences, friendships and challenges that helped to shaped my character.

Finally I moved to Jigme Sherubling Central School at Khaling. A renowned school in the nation. Where I further honed my skills and knowledge in preparing for my future endeavors. Overall my schooling days were time of growth, learning and personal development that have contributed to building myself into the person that I am today.


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